Tag Archives: personal finance
Using the internet to manage and improve personal finance
It must be almost impossible for any “digital native” to understand what life was like before the internet revolutionized our daily lives. If you are anything under 30 years of age, you probably can't imagine a time when almost any piece of information you might need to find wasn't literally at your fingertips, as long as you had a device in your hands that was online, of course!
Although there are some areas of daily life that are still untouched by the internet, personal finance management
5 Great Apps for Business
In today’s rapidly changing technology landscape, it is more vital than ever to stay on top of key trends so you can put your business in front of them, rather than act too late and end up getting left behind. Recently, the mobile web has been exploding, driven by the widespread acceptance of smartphones and tablet computers which allow people to compute on a mobile basis without the drawbacks of lugging around a heavy, bulky laptop.
This medium has made typing in the URL’s of websites very